Art and Emerging Technologies MA
London, Det Forenede Kongerige
2 Years
Fuldtid, Deltid
01 Jul 2025
Sep 2025
GBP 1.700 / per year *
På campus
* international | Storbritannien: £11.500
Åbne dage på <span translate="no">University of Westminster</span>
Undergraduate Open Day 19. oktober 2024/ Postgraduate Open Evening 2. oktober 2024
Art and Emerging Technologies MA udforsker eksperimentelle anvendelser af kreative teknologier i kunstpraksis, udviklingen af avancerede digitale færdigheder og deres indvirkning på samfundet, kulturen og miljøet.
Du vil blive opfordret til at betragte teknologi som en integreret del af den kreative proces, påbegynde en udforskningsrejse og søge innovative retninger for at udvide og berige din praksis. Dette kan omfatte samarbejde med teknologi, udnyttelse af potentialet i menneske-computer-interaktioner, skabelse af fortællinger gennem transmedieteknikker, fremme af publikumsengagement og deltagende kulturer, skabelse af interaktive objekter og konstruktion og transformation af fysiske og digitale rum.
Studiepraksis og laboratorier giver mulighed for opfindsom brug af avancerede teknologier, såsom virtuel og augmented reality, geolokaliseringsteknologier, virtuel produktion, fotogrammetri, fysisk databehandling, kreativ kodning, sensorteknologier, bærbare innovationer, interaktive miljøer og den kreative anvendelse af kunstig intelligens .
Kurset reagerer på den kreative industris krav til alsidige, fantasifulde og teknologisk dygtige kunstkandidater og lægger stor vægt på professionelle færdigheder. Gennem kernemoduler og et årelangt Professional Practice-modul vil du engagere dig i projekter i den virkelige verden, der udfordrer praksis og konventioner inden for digital kunst og kreative medier. Du vil skabe arbejde til forskellige målgrupper, platforme og kontekster, samarbejde med fællesskaber og netværk og tackle den virkelige verden briefs og brancheudfordringer.
Top grunde til at studere hos os
- Fantastisk beliggenhed - Du vil nyde alle fordelene ved at studere på vores Harrow Campus - kun 20 minutters metrotur fra det centrale London, et globalt knudepunkt for den kreative og teknologiske industri
- Faciliteter – Du har adgang til faciliteter på industriniveau, herunder Emerging Media Space, computerlaboratorier, fotografisk grøn skærm, filmstudier, redigeringssuiter, 3D-værksteder, 2D-print og fotografisk udskrivning og mørkerumsfaciliteter
- Underrettet af CREAM er kurset udviklet af forskning fra universitetets CREAM Research Center (Center for Forskning i Kunst og Medier). Vores globale netværk giver dig adgang til professionel produktion og muligheder for offentligt engagement, fra udstilling og performance til online platforme og filmvisninger
- Vælg din vej – dette kursus understøtter streng eksperimentering og 'kreativ leg' som et middel til at kommunikere, opdage og udvikle indsigt. Du vil blive støttet til at udvikle fleksible tilgange til dit valgte specialeområde
Hvorfor studere dette kursus?
Opbyg brancheforbindelser
Vores dedikerede faglige praksis moduler vil hjælpe dig med at udvikle stærke forbindelser inden for kunst- og teknologisektoren i London og videre.
Lær i et åbent, støttende miljø
Udforsk din praksis, mens du bliver støttet af vores akademiske og tekniske personale.
State-of-the-art faciliteter
Nyd faciliteter på industriniveau, herunder Emerging Media Space, computerlaboratorier, fotografiske greenscreen- og filmstudier, redigeringssuiter, 3D-workshops, 2D-print og fotografisk udskrivning og mørkerumsfaciliteter.
Stipendier og finansiering
The University is dedicated to supporting ambitious and outstanding students and we offer a variety of scholarships to eligible postgraduate students.
There is a range of funding available that may help you fund your studies, including Student Finance England (SFE).
This course is part of a suite of MA art courses which include the Expanded Photography MA and the Global Contemporary Art MA. You’ll tailor your learning through a set of shared optional modules that address contemporary challenges, advanced digital approaches, and specialized professional contexts. You’ll also undertake the year-long Professional Practice module, which aims to support your progression beyond graduation, and the Master's Project module with students from the other MA art courses, thus benefiting from collaborative opportunities and cross-disciplinary learning.
Core modules investigate the mediation, augmentation, and transformation of our environments through emerging technologies. You will consider ecologies of consumption, the environment, contexts, technologies, and sustainability, and the role of the artist as innovator, provocateur, and agent.
The following subjects are indicative of what you will study in this course.
Core Modules
- Ecologies and Technologies
- Emerging Media Realties
- MA Arts – Master's Project
- MA Arts – Professional Practice in The Creative Industries
Option Modules
- Curatorial and Social Practices
- Future Archives
- Global Arts and Sustainable Futures
- Image Futures
- Interactive Art and Storytelling
- Virtual Photography
This course will equip you with a wide range of skills suited to employment in the Digital and Creative Industries or Cultural sectors. Through the pool of options, you’ll be able to tailor your expertise to prepare you for a diverse range of related careers in the arts and creative industries. These might include careers as independent creative artists, creative technologists, and entrepreneurs. You’ll also be equipped for roles that involve curation in museums and galleries, arts management, policy-making, and advocacy within the culture. Graduates will be well-prepared to work across creative, scientific, and technological industries, pursue further academic study, or teach at secondary, further, and higher education levels.
Industry Knowledge
You’ll be taught by a teaching team with a wide range of experience both in industry and academia, as well as working closely with an international body of artists, researchers, and students.
Professional Development
A year-long Professional Practice module puts professional development at the core of your journey. You will be supported by mentors, industry experts, and your tutors to develop a personal career plan according to your own interests and professional goals.
3.000 arbejdsgivere over hele verden
The University’s Careers and Employability Service has built up a network of over 3,000 employers around the world, helping all our students explore and connect with exciting opportunities and careers.
Industry Links
We aim to meet the demands of the creative industries by equipping artists with the essential digital skills and expertise working with emerging technologies, required for professional practices that bridge the realms of art, architecture, and design.
Our engagement with industry supports the evolution of our curriculum to ensure the ongoing relevance of the course and employable graduates for future creative industries. Industry specialists may attend critique sessions, offer mentoring or placements, and help to advise students on their personal and professional development.
Job Roles
The range of potential careers is very broad depending upon your area of practice, but this course will prepare you for potential roles in a range of present and future industries within the creative industries, policy, public and third sectors and education, including:
- Arts administration and advocacy
- Audio and video production
- Collection management and archives
- Creative computing
- Digital art and installation
- Digital arts practice
- Digital curation
- Education, academia and research
- Exhibition curation and production
- Experimental film
- Immersive filmmaking
- Independent arts practice
- Interactive and immersive storytelling
- Interactive cinema and documentary
- Motion graphics
- Museums and galleries
- Projection mapping and interaction design for live events
- Public policy
Westminster Employability Award
Employers value graduates who have invested in their personal and professional development – and our Westminster Employability Award gives you the chance to formally document and demonstrate these activities and achievements.
The award is flexible and can be completed in your own time, allowing you to choose from a set of extracurricular activities.
Activities might include gaining experience through a part-time job or placement, signing up to a University-run scheme – such as mentoring or teaching in a school – or completing online exercises.
Levering af programmer
Course Location
Harrow is our creative and cultural hub, home to most of our arts, media and digital courses. It houses state-of-the-art facilities for every discipline, including project and gallery spaces, film studios, creative labs, collaborative learning spaces, and the Westminster Enterprise Network.
Harrow Campus is based in north-west London, just 20 minutes from the city centre by train.